Christians and Jewish people alike share ignorance in common about what happened in Palestine in the 300 years between Joel – chronologically the last of the biblical prophets – and the birth of Jesus. Is it safe to say not much worth noting happened during that time? Hardly.
But the day arrived when Joseph’s gift of dream interpretation was needed again. Pharaoh, who had two dreams, was desperate to know what they meant. Remembering how Joseph had accurately interpreted his dream, the king’s cup bearer recommended Joseph’s services.
“Jean, could you step out for a minute?” the first grade leader asked. She spoke soberly. “We’ve lost track of Jay.” “What? You’ve – you don’t know where he is? Did you check the bathrooms?” “Yes, we’ve checked all of them,” the group leader said.
A Gift of Love by Pam Bostwick Mom, come chase butterflies with me,” my daughter called as the screen door banged behind her. I groaned and picked up another potato. “I’d love to, Robin, if I ever get […]