Carol decided to try an experiment. Several of her friends at work were giving up things for Lent and she decided to join them (even though her church didn’t practice Lent). To her husband’s surprise, she gave up shopping. Once a week she did grocery shopping for her family but she never bought anything for herself for 40 days.
Although most people would agree that superstitions are irrational, most people adhere to a few cherished superstitions.
Thanks to the many faithful Lutheran Digest readers who have pointed out the mistake in the  Spring 2011 Bible Quiz (pgs.  60-61). Upon reaching answer number six, many of you  took to your Bibles (never a bad thing, […]
Facing the Unexpected by Chris Ahlemann A couple of weeks ago, I stepped outside just as the sun was coming up. The warmth beckoned me and I walked around to the side yard where my bearded irises are. […]