by Katherine Hauswirth Our pastor, Tim, shared something I hadn’t heard before: all manner of people bring all manner of old Bibles to the church. Some Bibles are from nonbelievers who stumble on a Bible when cleaning out […]
By Christy Olson (for part 1 of this article, click here) Bibles for young readers Around second grade, most children become solid readers. They begin to discover reading by themselves and the joy of chapter books. And what […]
By Christy Olson The Bible has been translated and paraphrased thousands of different ways. How can you know when is ‘best’ for you and your family? The answer to what is ‘best’ depends on what you are seeking! […]
Faith In Action by Perry Wilbur The faith of millions is being strongly tested today in this era of massive job cuts, layoffs, financial crunch and almost world-wide recession. The shield of faith is a must for this […]