Thanksgiving Day
Lord, grant that this Thanksgiving Day
You think of us and hear us pray:
A Thanks to You for what we gain
Through Christ, his lifelong toil and pain
A thanks to you for all you give
Our home, our food, our right to live
A thanks for all our family now
And friendly ties that you allow
A thanks for grace you’ve granted, too
That we are blessed in all we do
A thanks for all who died this day
So that in peace we now do stay
A thanks to those who rule above
For them you’ve granted truth and love
A thanks to all the toils we earn
That through our faults we now can learn
A thanks to those who guide our life
That ease our pain and end our strife
A thanks, again, from us to you
A thanks, dear Lord, for all you do.
– Ethan Johns
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