Some of us remember when it was common for folks to sit on their front porches after supper and watch the world go by. The theft of a porta-potty would hardly go unnoticed! But today, there aren’t many […]
“Humph!” I thought grumpily. “I bet you’ll be glad when you have a knee replacement and get out of that chair!” Then I went outside into the sunny parking lot, where I heard a loud, clear, and joyful voice singing. It flowed from the senior woman as she quickly moved her feet like pedals and scuttled her wheelchair across the parking lot toward her vehicle.
Music is for worshiping God. As the psalmist proclaims, “For this I will extol you, O Lord, among the nations, and sing praises to your name” (Ps 18:49). But such praise is not only reserved for humankind. All creation sings to God. “Wild animals and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds! . . . Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!” (Ps 148:10, 150:6).
I was at once seething with anger, too. In my mind she caused the near accident. It took just a fraction of a second for me to rationalize that if she hadn’t rushed into the parking lot, if she had been paying attention, then she wouldn’t have nearly stepped right in front of my car.